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Category: Career

Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit shpall pozicionin vakant “Ekspert i Ngritjes së Sistemeve të Menaxhimit dhe Kontrollit të Programit Operacional” (Mbyllur)

  The Albanian Development Fund (ADF) is a development organization which answers to the challenges and its partners in order to achieve a stable development of the country. Founded in 1993, ADF has a 29-years’ experience in the development of infrastructure, urbanization, tourism and cross-border cooperation.

Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit shpall pozicionin vakant “Ekspert për Planifikimin Strategjik, Programimin dhe Shkrimin e Projekteve” (Mbyllur)

  The Albanian Development Fund (ADF) is a development organization which answers to the challenges and its partners in order to achieve a stable development of the country. Founded in 1993, ADF has a 29-years’ experience in the development of infrastructure, urbanization, tourism and cross-border cooperation.

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