In context of the recent urban and economic developments of Lushnja, the constraction of segment starting from the highway Lushnje-Fier to the road “Vath Korrershi” road began, which is also known as “Sabri Ksoturi” road. Due to its impact in the city, the improvement of the infrastructure and the internal road network in the city became necessary.

The neighbourhood around the street has raised their voice regarding a much needed rebuild of the entire length of the road. The expertise also has concluded that the actual condition of the road is depreciated and the layers in its body are completely inexistent, lacking any infrastructural safety protocols. Moreover, the route is compounded by compacted soil and in certain parts the asphalt is amortized. The width of the existing trail starts from 3.5m in narrowed areas accompanied with the presence of concrete pillars and varies up to 7m wide, which is extended through steam walls and covers side canals.

The reconstruction of the road infrastructure will have a positive impact on the quality of life for the whole neighbourhood and also it will affect on environmental protection and citizens’ health.

The investment includes systemization of underground infrastructure (sewers, surface water, etc.) and road layers as well as the axis will be developed on basis of the latest construction standards.

In the framework of the Local & Regional Infrastructure Programme with the support of the Albanian Government, the Albanian Development Fund intends to considerably ease movement of vehicles and goods but also residents who are moving from Lushnja city center to the highway will take advantage.