This expression set in the framework of collaboration is more realistic than ever. Working together means believing that the results of the joint work will be better than individual and will have a long term.

tThe Albanian Development Fund believes and therefore, together with the Albanian Government has developed and has in process programs, in coordination with foreign financial institutions such as: World Bank, German Development Bank, European Union, Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Kuwaiti Fund, the Saudi Fund, etc.
Each of these programs, with goals and target groups, aims at a common mission, improving public infrastructure by promoting sustainable economic and social development of the country, tourism and cross-border cooperation. These projects and programs have a geographical extension from north to south. Listed below:

o Program for Integrated Urban Development and Tourism,
o Regional and Local Roads
o Rural Water Supply Program,
o Community Works IV
o Reconstruction of Vlora River road, etc.

The technical assistance of associates over the years is worth mentioning, as it has a direct impact on increasing the institution's capacity and further improving work processes.
From the design of a project, local strategies and feasibility studies, to its completion and "delivery to the citizens" these institutions give their contribution, thus providing for the community (direct beneficiaries) and visitors, the final solution in infrastructure and access.