Albanian Development Fund in order to prepare investment packages for Operational Program 2022-2028, approved by decision of the Steering Council no. 225, Dt.23.03.2022 is undertaking a consultation process with key actors of regional development in the country as well as interest groups or individuals.

This consultation process is available from 4.04.2022 until 14.04.2022 and will take place online.

The consultation will be carried out through a questionnaire (in the links below). All opinions will be collected in order to identify the needs, determine the funding limits for each category, as well as the distribution of funding in the territory.

Furthermore, you may find a dedicated space in the questionnaire for sending concept ideas for interventions which correspond to the directions and categories of the Operational Program 2022-2028: Përmbledhje e Programit_Operacional -Drejtimet 2022-2028

These ideas will be stored in the project idea database and will serve to shape future investment projects.

The Albanian Development Fund appreciates the partnership with you, and invites you to cooperate in this important process for the regional development of the country.

In this context, we would we would appreciate your involvement in the attached questionnaire, which will be the basis for investment orientation for a 7-year period for regional and local development of the country.

Please send the completed questionnaires within the set deadline.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at this email address. You can also send additional project ideas in the required format through this e-mail.


Consultation-direction 1

Consultation- direction 2

Consultation - direction 3, 4, 5