Reconstructed to resist in time...

Shiroka village can be reached in less than an hour and is only 6 km from Shkodra. Under the shade of Tarabosh Mount and by the lake, the early fishing village amazes with its appearance. In Shkodra you can hear the expression “It is windy in Shiroka”. It means that there is a light breeze from the south, from which Shiroka village is thought to have been named after.

If you go there by car, you can stop at the newly reconstructed pedestrian walkway. The mosaic paved with traditional carpet motifs will surely get your attention, an invitation to explore the tradition of the area. In fact, for residents and visitors, the pedestrian area is the center, because all roads lead you there. The houses are located upstairs, a crown of Shkodra loyal residents. The peaceful atmosphere created on the shores of Lake Shkodra has brought together different businesses.

The masters of cobblestones have laid 20,000 m2 . Followed by decoration with stones and wood, lighting system and urban furniture, as well as greenery and signage. Also, in order to protect the identity of the area have been restores 2,000 m2 of facades of buildings near the square. Thus completing the complete picture of a town, very well comparable to its European sisters.

In the middle of this peaceful space, a resident nostalgically tells us the story of Shiroka. From the fishing to medicinal plants he tells us that thanks to Shiroka, there is no Shkodra resident who does not eat fish at least once a week. Works are qualitative. I feel very good and I go for a walk every day near the river. I have to say that I spend more time walking than sitting on a bench, just to challenge my age..(Resident of the area)

Meanwhile, if you climb higher, locals show to us another tourist attraction such as the Villa of Ahmet Zogu, 1930.

If you climb here in the evening, Shiroka looks just like a postcard. Lights all along the line, businesses and walks are until late hours. Many tourists come here and they visit the church. Tourists are curious about traditional cooking and they enjoy it. They are very satisfied and interested about the history.(Resident of the area)

The reconstruction of Shiroka Square is expected to be integrated with the project "Requalification Western Coast Shkodra Lake." The small town has become one of the most popular tourist spots. For young people, 6 km by bike is a short distance away from the city.