Tirana- Durres coastal city is an important economic and cultural center. There are several projects in progress for urban requalification. The latest intervention in the municipality of Durres foresees:

I. Rehabilitation of the road axis "Deshmoret"

Expansion of sidewalks, greenery, construction of sewer system, lighting and road signage. Construction of two roundabouts, parking lots, and bus stations for Plazh, Golem and Shkozet.

II. Rehabilitation of the road axis "Egnatia", Lot III

The existing asphalt layer is damaged. In this axis are foreseen complete engineering reconstruction, parking lots for vehicles and bus stations, construction of sewer system, lighting and road signage.

This aims to increase the quality of life of locals, by providing about 30,000 m2 of urban public space, with parking lots and bus stations.

The primary goal is to be close to citizens through infrastructure, thus bringing facilities for transport and pedestrians, increase citizens safety and increase public spaces. Also this will improve the access to facilities of special importance such as the Port and the archeological site.

This project is expected to have a high impact as Durres welcomes a large number of tourists. Despite residents and tourists , there are 100 businesses along these roads that will be direct beneficiaries.