1. Name and address of the contracting authority


Name: Albanian Development Fund

Address: “Sami Frashëri” street No.10, Tirana, Albania

Tel/Fax:  +355 4 234885

E-mail  gkeri@albaniandf.org

Website:  www.albaniandf.org


  1. Type of procurement procedure: Limited Tender (in the framework of the reconstruction process)


  1. Object of the contract: "Construction of educational institutions in areas affected by the earthquake" devided in 7(seven) Lots:


Lot 1: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kurbin and Lezhë Municipality”

Lot 2: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Krujë Municipality”

Lot 3: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Durrës 1 Municipality”

Lot 4: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Durrës 2 Municipality”

Lot 5: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kavajë and Rrogozhinë Municipality”

Lot 6: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kamëz Municipality”

Lot 7: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Vorë and Shijak Municipality”


  1. Reference number of procedure/lot_ REF-54439-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 1: REF-54454-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 2: REF-54452-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 3: REF-54450-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 4: REF-54448-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 5: REF-54446-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 6: REF-54444-03-16-2020

No. of reference Lot 7: REF-54442-03-16-2020


  1. Limit fund approximate value of the contract /framework agreement:: 4,175,217,853 (four billion one hundred and seventy-five million and two hundred seventeen thousand and eight hundred fifty- three) ALL excluding VAT. The approved budget for the year 2020 is: 1,043,804,463 ALL VAT exclusive.

Në rastin kur objekti i prokurimit përbëhet nga disa artikuj,  shumatorja e çmimeve për njësi është  __________________________________________


Lot 1: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kurbin and Lezhë Municipality”, limit fund: 511,405,370 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 127,851,342 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 2: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Krujë Municipality” limit fund: 490,413,615 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 122,603,404 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 3: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Durrës 1 Municipality”, limit fund: 845,723,696 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 211,430,924 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 4: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Durrës 2 Municipality”. limit fund: 850,692,969 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 212,673,242 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 5: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kavajë and Rrogozhinë Municipality”, limit fund: 414,766,205 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 103,691,551 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 6: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Kamëz Municipality”. limit fund: 621,757,340 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 155,439,335 ALL VAT exclusive.

Lot 7: Object: “Construction of educational institutions Vorë and Shijak Municipality, limit fund: 440,458,658 ALL VAT exclusive. The approved budget for the year 2020 is 110,114,664 ALL VAT exclusive.


  1. Duration of the contracts or time limit for execution: 12 months


  1. Time limit for submitting bids or requests for participation: Date: 27.03.2020 Hour: 16:00


  1. Time limit for opening bids or requests for participation:  Date: 27.03.2020 Hour: 16:00