TIRANA-Public work investments have had immediate impacts in the sector of tourism.

Tourism sector, affects employment and revenue growth within a short period of time. Infrastructure public investments in potential tourist areas create great advantages in terms of increasing economic activity and hence increasing employment.

Vlora is the typical example where infrastructure investments have brought immediate tourism development, transforming it in employment and welfare. Few years ago, Vlora was simply a vacation spot for a coffee or a lunch in Himara, Jale, Dhermi, Qeparo, Borsh and Lukove beaches.

Now we can say without doubts that Vlora is the capital of tourism.

Since May, tourist agencies reported that 70% of hotels in this city were booked by Czech, German, French, Russian, Northern Europe tourists by the end of September.

150,000 thousand tourists from Poland decided to rest in Vlora this year.

“Lungomare” Investment, urban requalification of public squares “Tri Rracat”, incoming and outgoing road axes investments gave to the city another view. Tourist offers are enriched because of the urban revival of these villages

These investments bring an increase of the private property value while creating opportunities to develop economic activities.

The growing number of tourists has been associated with opening up of new businesses; about 40% new businesses in tourism sector.

The quality public infrastructure and the tourist offer enriched with the cultural and historical heritage, does not only increase tourists number who choose Albania to rest but also extend the time of stay in this country. All these investments enrich state budget. The length of stay influences directly the local and national economy.

Infrastructure investments with focus tourism areas and important rehabilitation and construction projects of the Albanian Government were implemented within the deadlines with best standards by the Albanian Development Fund which is qualified as Leader in Facing Challanges of Sustainable Development.

Kjo verë në të gjitha plazhet e Shqipërisë dhe veçanërisht në pjesën e jugut tregoi dukshëm se përmirësimi i infrastrukturës ka rritur interesimin dhe praninë e turistëve nga vende të ndryshme. Veç kësaj, rritje ka pasur edhe në numrin e jahteve dhe mjeteve të tjera lundruese turistike në kalatat e qyteteve portuale si Vlora dhe Saranda.

Rreth 2.9 milionë shtetas të huaj hynë në Shqipëri nga janari deri në korrik 2018. Shifrat e dhëna nga INSTAT nuk llogarisin gushtin, që është edhe një muajt kur hyrja e turistëve në Shqipëri kulmon.

Për këtë vit pritet që të ardhurat nga turizmi të kapin 2 mld euro, ndërkohë që vitin e kaluar të ardhurat nga turizmi sipas INSTAT ishin 1.7 miliardë euro.